Executive Leadership: Sales & Marketing
Joseph Carrigan is a highly accomplished strategist, manager and team leader in
the ICT/IT space with a specialty in the development, deployment and “take to market”
management of mobile solutions and telecom related products. His management experience
spans from pharmaceutical serialization and field service automation to large national
consumer product development/launch and international market entry.
As a strategist, he has developed National ICT strategy and policy (Government of
Canada) has provided IT/ICT market structure analysis for foreign governments (UAE),
has led international market entrance initiatives for North American firms (South
America, Europe and Middle East) and has managed consumer wireless product development,
pricing and deployment in both Eastern Europe and North America (CZ, US) .
He draws on over 22 years of experience as a team leader: in strategic analysis,
in product development, in technical deployment, in product management, in marketing
and advertising, and in international market development. His experience spans every
aspect of program development, management, market planning and go to market execution
with direct experience in North America, South America, Europe and the Middle East.
Joseph Carrigan holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Queen’s University
(2002) and he holds a diploma in Visual Communications, Design and Media (1987).